Responsible for checking the availability and validity of all documents and databases required on-board; give all commands deemed necessary to secure the safety of the aircraft and persons and property carried; disembark or prohibit any person or part of the cargo that may represent a potential hazard; ensure all passengers are briefed on the location of emergency exits and the location and use of relevant safety and emergency equipment; ensure all operational procedures and checklists are complied with; ensure that the weather forecast and reports for the proposed operating area indicate the flight may be conducted without infringing Company approved operating minima; decide whether to accept an aircraft with unserviceability allowed by the Minimum Equipment List; ensure that the airplane and any required equipment is serviceable; ensure that aircraft refueling and servicing is supervised; ensure that aircraft interior cleanliness is maintained; replenish cabin stock as per the inventory; ensure that the aircraft weight and balance is within the calculated limits for the operating conditions; confirm that the aircraft's performance will enable it to safely complete the proposed flight; use noise abatement procedures to comply with local requirements; ensure that whenever advisable, all passengers are properly secured in their seats and all cabin baggage is stowed; ensure that a thorough pre-flight inspection has been carried out; ensure that the external surfaces are clear of any deposit which might adversely affect the performance and/or controllability of the aircraft; ensure all persons carried in the aircraft obey all lawful commands; ensure that a continuous listening watch is maintained on the appropriate radio communication frequencies; ensure that flight recorders are not disabled, and that precautionary measures to preserve the recording of flight recorders are taken; prohibit any crew member from performing any activity, except those duties required for the safe operation of the aircraft; perform radio communication according to applicable rules and regulations; submit timely position reports; ensure that ATC clearances are obeyed; ensure that the chosen flight altitude is at least equal to the minimum safe altitude; inform passengers about the flight and possible deviations; ensure that constant lookout is maintained to avoid collisions; ensure that the aircraft is secured on its final parking position; ensure that all the suspected technical defects and/or all exceedances of structural limitations are documented; release the crew after completion of all duties; and pilot must possess valid FAA Medical Certificate First Class and valid FAA Airline Transport Pilot Certificate; must be certified and/or received rating in Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM), Night Instrument Flight Operations, Cold Weather Operations, Carriage or Handling of Dangerous Goods (DG), Ground Security, Low Visibility Operation (LVO), and Radio Navigation and Global Navigation Satellite System (RNAV/GNSS).
Location: Columbus, OH and various unanticipated locations throughout the US;
Salary: $203,313 per year;
Education: Bachelor's Degree in Aeronautical Science, Aerospace Engineering, Aviation, Aviation Technology, or in a related field of study (will accept equivalent foreign degree);
Experience: One (1) year in the position above, as a Chief Pilot, as a Fleet Chief, as a Sr. First Officer, or in a related occupation;
Will accept three (3) years in the position above, as a Chief Pilot, as a Fleet Chief, as a Sr. First Officer, or in a related occupation in lieu of the primary education and experience requirements.
Other Requirements: Must possess valid FAA Medical Certificate First Class and valid FAA Airline Transport Pilot Certificate; must be certified and/or received rating in Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM), Night In