Responsible for checking the availability and validity of all documents required on-board, and the validity of all databases required, including FMS and Jeppesen; verify required flight maps and charts are on-board, available and current; give all commands deemed necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of the aircraft and of persons and property carried; disembark any person or any part of the cargo that may represent a potential hazard to the safety of the aircraft or its occupants; refuse transportation of inadmissible passengers, deportees or persons in custody if their carriage poses any risk to the safety of the aircraft or its occupants; ensure all passengers are briefed on the location of emergency exits and the location and use of relevant safety and emergency equipment; ensure all operational procedures and checklists are complied with in accordance with the SOPS; ensure weather forecasts and reports for the proposed operating area and flight duration indicate that the flight may be conducted without infringing Company approved operating minima; monitor weather information while enroute including destination, destination alternate and enroute alternates; ensure the airplane and any required equipment is serviceable; ensure aircraft refueling and servicing is supervised; ensure the aircraft weight and balance is within the calculated limits for the operating conditions; confirm that the aircraft's performance will enable it to safely complete the proposed flight; use noise abatement procedures as a standard take off procedure; ensure all passengers are properly secured in their seats while the aircraft is taxiing, taking-off, landing, and whenever advisable; ensure flight manuals and documents are carried and remain valid throughout the flight; ensure a thorough pre-flight inspection has been carried out according to the Aircraft Flight Manual and corporate operating manuals; ensure APU use in accordance to SOPs; ensure Aircraft Discrepancy Logs and Deferred Maintenance Logs are completed; ensure continuous listening is maintained on the appropriate radio communication frequencies at all times; ensure flight recorders are not disabled or switched off, and that precautionary measures to preserve the recording of flight recorders are taken; prohibit any crew member from performing any activity during take-off, initial climb, final approach and landing except those duties required for the safe operation of the aircraft; perform radio communication according to applicable rules and regulations; submit position reports correctly and on time; ensure that ATC clearances are obeyed; ensure the chosen flight altitude is above or at least equal to the minimum safe altitude; inform passengers about the flight and possible deviations of the flight plan; ensure all flight planning documents are kept accurate and readable; ensure the aircraft is secured on its final parking position; ensure all suspected technical defects and exceedances of structural limitations are entered into the Technical/Journey Log; inform the MOC and OCC immediately if an airplane is deemed unsafe for flight; release crew members after completion of all duties; ensure incident or occurrence reporting according to approved procedures; ensure timely completion and return of the Flight Operation Envelope at the end of a rotation; and pilot must possess FAA First-Class Medical Certificate and FAA Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Certificate, and must be certified, trained and/or received Rating in RVSM, MNPS, Handling of Dangerous Goods (DG), LVO, ETOPS/EDTO, UPRT/LOFT, CRM/TEM, Night and Instrument Flight Operations, and RNAV/GNSS.
Location: Columbus, Ohio and multiple undetermined worksites throughout the US;
Salary: $180,000 per year;
Education: Bac